360 video in a war zone: Image Junkies Podcast
The Imagejunkies podcast is now a reality. In the first episode, I talk with Freelance filmmaker Dylan Roberts about his work shooting 360 videos in Mosul while embedded with the Iraqi Federal Police.
You can listen to the embedded player below or download from itunes via this link – https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-imagejunkies-podcast/id1298728423
We discuss the challenges of working in Iraq, the kit he uses and his plans for the future. If you are a filmmaker who wants to expand into 360 video or virtual reality filmmaking then you really need to listen to this show.
I’m hoping to release a new episode of the podcast every week – on Mondays. We’ll be speaking with video journalists, camera operators, picture editors and security experts about the trials and tribulations of working in TV news and documentary production.